пятница, 12 декабря 2008 г.

May your Thanksgiving be full of blessings from the Lord above. As His light shines upon your table…

I pray that your feast will be full of grace, joy, peace and love.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you very much for your prayers for my father.

He was in a hospital for a week. Mom was next to him all the time. I visited them daily and read from the Word and also prayed loud. For my parents, orthodox Christians it is not really a common thing. The blood analyses showed that my father had cancer in its last stage and after the laparoscopy that followed the doctor told that there was no hope for him and nothing could be done to help him.

The 7th day, on the 12th of November father started to insist that we leave home. All the way he kept asking where we were as if he had no patience to see that we reached our homeland. Oh!.. finally we were at home! During the next three hours he was breathing very hard and was vomiting some black liquid. In a certain moment he asked about the time and told - everything remains here…and in front of relatives he breathed his last…

33 years ago in the same day and approximately in the same time of the day died mother of my father. All his life he used to say that he believed and liked to hear the Word of God. And I very much believe that God based on His sacrifice and according to the faith that my father had took Him to Himself. This is what gives me hope and desire to live. There is no sense in anything without God. He is sovereign and makes His will as and when He wants – this is what I think about in recent time.


Yours in grief and in joy,


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