пятница, 12 декабря 2008 г.

June 2008 prayer letter

June 2008

Hot summer season has started. Students entered last stage of the session. In this period there are especially many prayers being raised to heavens, including from those, who think that they are on a different way about God.

The story is going on

In my last letter I wrote about Alina, who is now doing her first steps in spiritual growth. A week ago I visited their dormitory in order to lead an ordinary study. As soon as the study was over Olesea, the correspondent student entered the room as she temporary settled in their room. The question – what are you doing here? was answered by Alina, - she told that we were studying Bible. And then I asked Olesea about her attitude towards God.

- I do not want to speak about this! - said she impatiently.

We switched to watching video clip where the well-known sportswomen were speaking about their faith in the Living God and I asked Olesea if she thought she was a good person. I proposed her to check herself according to some of the commandments and a hot discussion flared up. The girl, who a bit earlier seemed to be indifferent, was retelling various stories with spiritual implication that she recently heard from her friend. She was eagerly swallowing answers to her questions. It was obvious that God has prepared her and the time arrived. Having told her about the escape that we have through the sacrifice of Jesus I started to hurry up as it became too late and the public transport was hard to find at that time in our country.

Text Box: Аlinа and Olesya are studying the Bible in parkTwo days later I met the girls again. As it turned out they were talking for a long time after I left. Alina went to the exam unprepared, but she was released from it due to hard work during the year. She was definitely in a pleasant shock after hearing this! And Olesea decided to trust her life to God! In that same day she was close to being raped but she prayed to God and He changed the circumstances. Olesea proved God’s almightiness in action and has no doubt about Him now. She also joined Alina in studying Bible. Please, pray for Olesea as she has big problems with studies and that her fear for entering church disappears. Pray for their spiritual growth.

«Over time - cafe»

We organized watching of the Champion’s League for the professional football players at the big screen in a comfortable “Over time café” arranged by us. Before the game starts we usually present an interesting program that allows us to build trusting relationships with them and bring forward the spiritual challenge. Champion’s League is a good bridge for a follow up meeting with each of them individually for telling about the forgiveness in Christ. The most impressive for me was not even the fact that there were 35 people coming to the meeting, but that the quiz was led by the sportsman- disciple from our movement who himself a year ago at the similar meeting was sitting in the hall and answering most of the questions. And now God so changed the life of Serghei, that he is now witnessing to others and takes serious responsible tasks upon him.


1. For the interview that was taken from the new dean of the pedagogical faculty.

2. For the 16 students/sportsmen who trusted their lives to God in this semester.

3. For the new coworkers in the team.


1. Accommodation issue. Where to move?

2. Sports project “Sun Rise” from the 15th to 30th of June. Our vision: to stay in the gap for our district united with the churches of our town in the project “Sun Rise”.

3. Trip to Netherlands from the 1st to 15th of July for the similar project “Sun Rise”.

4. 22-30 July – summer project in Balti (North of Moldova); for preparing of the main lessons, finances for organization.

Summer – is a busy period, this is why prayer needs are so many. J Thank you for being ready to support. Thank you for your self-sacrificingness and consistency.

Shooting together with you in the same gates,


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